Our Services

See our best services to offer

Start Up Consulting

We offer multiple services for your new business venture. Our experienced staff and industry relationships will help you accomplish your goals to move your business plans forward.

We support our clients with:

  • Legal Business Formation
  • Strategy and Planning
  • Business Structure and Development
  • Marketing and Proprietary Software Development
  • Branding and Packaging
  • Leasing and Purchasing Real Estate Negotiation
  • Human Resources
  • Financial Set Up and Funding Opportunities

Business Acquisition

At Reachbridge, our experience and industry relationships help guide you through the complex mergers and acquisitions processes.

We provide merger and acquisition transaction support services, which include:

  • Business Evaluation
  • Complaint Resolution
  • Human Resources
  • A thorough and Accurate Evaluation of the Business
  • Evaluations of Accounting, Financial, Operations and Cash Flow Analysis
  • Structuring The Transaction To Ensure Growth
  • Competition and Profitability
  • Evaluating and Assisting with Tax Structuring Issues and Available Options
  • Addressing finance issues
  • Merger Risk Management and Acquisition Risk Assessment
  • Post-Transaction Activities

Management Services

Our role does not end when the business goes live or after the final papers are signed. We assist with the next steps in the acquisition to ensure continuity, including:

  • Hiring Key People
  • Structuring Operations or The Blending Of Operational Systems
  • Management Styles
  • Cultures and Personalities

Online & Offline Marketing Branding Services

Our marketing and branding expertise expands both online and offline. Behind all ad campaigns, be it digitally or a creative promotional campaign, the goals are the same - to drive customers to your business.

Our branding consultants will help you create a brand from scratch or redesign an existing brand. Our brand management service will redefine your success.

We provide comprehensive and sophisticated brand management tools that develop, enhance and monitor your brand presence.

Our services include:

  • Digital Marketing Service
  • Content Writing
  • Lead Generation
  • Email and SMS
  • Public Relations and Print Advertising
  • Brand Consultancy

Business Analysis & Modeling

Our financial professionals thoroughly analyze acquisitions and evaluate the business's fiscal performance. We use financial information to create written reports that are clear and easy to understand.

We assess:

  • Liquidity
  • Profits and profit margins
  • Sales
  • Assets
  • Employees
  • Cash Flow

Our team then prepares the financial modeling for your businesses or start-ups. Our models are easy-to-use while still capturing all the complexities of your business.

The model is the canvas for your entire business; revenues vs. expenses, profit, loss and forecasting.

Business Plan Preparation

Using a collaborative approach, our writers will craft a detailed and comprehensive plan for your business or start- up.

Our business plans lay out a road map for the firm, including:

  • Operational standpoints
  • Financials and marketing
  • Describing core business activities, goals and strategies on how we will achieve them.

Website, App & Proprietary Software Development

Our in-house developers and artists will bring your vision to life with an online presence necessary in today's market.

Our full-stack developers specialize in creating complex programs and proprietary software for your business.

Real Estate Service

Lastly, we are a full-service real estate brokerage and are members of the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA).

With our access to thousands of businesses for sale across the country, our commercial and residential divisions will find available properties anywhere in the country.

Say Hello

Tell us how we can guide you.